
Engaging Employers: Using AI To Reimagine Engagement Strategies

FutureFit AI is working to confront existing solutions to business development, breaking down the barrier between talent and opportunity by directly engaging employers in the same AI-powered Pathways Platform as the talent they seek to hire. 

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Using AI to reimagine traditional employer engagement strategies

For those in the talent space, traditional workforce development program pathways are a no-brainer - reskilling programs enable job seekers to pursue career pathways that better support them and their families while fueling pipelines of job-ready talent for employers who can’t fill open roles. 

However, intent does not equal execution and many workforce development and employment programs struggle to effectively engage employers, creating harmful gaps in these pipeline models. Job seekers are not able to immediately connect to employment post-graduation, creating long gaps between graduation and employment, ultimately forcing many workers in these workforce and employment ecosystems to return to low-paying roles. 

Begging the question – can AI be a multiplier to tried and true human approaches to corporate and business engagement, bridging the disconnect from training to employment pathways?

A new model: AI-driven, skills-based employer engagement 

FutureFit AI is working to confront existing solutions to business development, breaking down the barrier between talent and opportunity by directly engaging employers in the same AI-powered Pathways Platform as the talent they seek to hire. 

Many workforce organizations and employment service providers rely on static job boards or manual email blasts to get job seekers in front of employers – our AI-powered recommender algorithms go beyond these traditional sourcing methods, directly matching candidate experience against employer needs, and inviting employers into the process. Through a dedicated Employer Portal within the platform, employers are able to view a list of real candidate matches making it easier for hiring managers and recruiters to quickly identify and reach out to strong matches. These career recommender algorithms are also grounded in skills-based hiring, matching qualified candidates based on the key skills needed for the role and their previous work experience and capabilities - opening up doors for a larger number of candidates who might otherwise be left out of traditional talent platforms or applicant tracking systems. 

Many of these systems operate on simple searches informed by education level and keywords that close the door to qualified seekers who become subject to constrained screening practices. Through our technology, we are building a direct solution to this problem, increasing greater connectivity of skilled talent to employers while facilitating pathways to economic mobility for job seekers.

Real Employers. Real Candidate Matching. 

All organizations focused on connecting talent to employment — governments, workforce organizations, workforce development boards, employment service providers, and more — are actively seeking tools to connect qualified talent in high-growth industries to local opportunities for which there is abundant hiring demand, like the tech sector.

In response to this need, FutureFit AI has partnered with prominent workforce organizations to pilot a shift toward a skills-based business services approach. This new model enhances their ability to screen and prepare job seekers for real opportunities. By leveraging the FutureFit AI platform as a super-powered job board, customers and clients can explore careers, identify learning opportunities, and connect directly with real job openings. At the same time, local employers now have the ability to post job opportunities through the platform’s Employer Portal to identify candidate matches for their open roles.

The interconnected, data-powered platform aims to help employer partners identify strong candidates for specific roles while gaining valuable insights into the job seekers' profiles. This approach allows our partners in workforce development and employment services to better tailor their business development outreach strategies, ensuring that they can better meet the needs of both job seekers and employers in their communities.

Path forward 

We believe that technology has incredible potential to empower employers to directly access a pool of skilled talent, streamlining the hiring process and ensuring a dynamic and responsive match between employers' needs and job seekers' skills. Adoption of AI-powered solutions presents incredible opportunities for employers of all sizes to build a diverse workforce ready to take on 21st-century challenges and connect communities to good-paying jobs in high-demand industries. 



Engaging Employers: Using AI To Reimagine Engagement Strategies

FutureFit AI is working to confront existing solutions to business development, breaking down the barrier between talent and opportunity by directly engaging employers in the same AI-powered Pathways Platform as the talent they seek to hire. 

Using AI to reimagine traditional employer engagement strategies

For those in the talent space, traditional workforce development program pathways are a no-brainer - reskilling programs enable job seekers to pursue career pathways that better support them and their families while fueling pipelines of job-ready talent for employers who can’t fill open roles. 

However, intent does not equal execution and many workforce development and employment programs struggle to effectively engage employers, creating harmful gaps in these pipeline models. Job seekers are not able to immediately connect to employment post-graduation, creating long gaps between graduation and employment, ultimately forcing many workers in these workforce and employment ecosystems to return to low-paying roles. 

Begging the question – can AI be a multiplier to tried and true human approaches to corporate and business engagement, bridging the disconnect from training to employment pathways?

A new model: AI-driven, skills-based employer engagement 

FutureFit AI is working to confront existing solutions to business development, breaking down the barrier between talent and opportunity by directly engaging employers in the same AI-powered Pathways Platform as the talent they seek to hire. 

Many workforce organizations and employment service providers rely on static job boards or manual email blasts to get job seekers in front of employers – our AI-powered recommender algorithms go beyond these traditional sourcing methods, directly matching candidate experience against employer needs, and inviting employers into the process. Through a dedicated Employer Portal within the platform, employers are able to view a list of real candidate matches making it easier for hiring managers and recruiters to quickly identify and reach out to strong matches. These career recommender algorithms are also grounded in skills-based hiring, matching qualified candidates based on the key skills needed for the role and their previous work experience and capabilities - opening up doors for a larger number of candidates who might otherwise be left out of traditional talent platforms or applicant tracking systems. 

Many of these systems operate on simple searches informed by education level and keywords that close the door to qualified seekers who become subject to constrained screening practices. Through our technology, we are building a direct solution to this problem, increasing greater connectivity of skilled talent to employers while facilitating pathways to economic mobility for job seekers.

Real Employers. Real Candidate Matching. 

All organizations focused on connecting talent to employment — governments, workforce organizations, workforce development boards, employment service providers, and more — are actively seeking tools to connect qualified talent in high-growth industries to local opportunities for which there is abundant hiring demand, like the tech sector.

In response to this need, FutureFit AI has partnered with prominent workforce organizations to pilot a shift toward a skills-based business services approach. This new model enhances their ability to screen and prepare job seekers for real opportunities. By leveraging the FutureFit AI platform as a super-powered job board, customers and clients can explore careers, identify learning opportunities, and connect directly with real job openings. At the same time, local employers now have the ability to post job opportunities through the platform’s Employer Portal to identify candidate matches for their open roles.

The interconnected, data-powered platform aims to help employer partners identify strong candidates for specific roles while gaining valuable insights into the job seekers' profiles. This approach allows our partners in workforce development and employment services to better tailor their business development outreach strategies, ensuring that they can better meet the needs of both job seekers and employers in their communities.

Path forward 

We believe that technology has incredible potential to empower employers to directly access a pool of skilled talent, streamlining the hiring process and ensuring a dynamic and responsive match between employers' needs and job seekers' skills. Adoption of AI-powered solutions presents incredible opportunities for employers of all sizes to build a diverse workforce ready to take on 21st-century challenges and connect communities to good-paying jobs in high-demand industries. 
