virtual one-stop

Launch your AI-powered virtual career center

Streamline operations for local workforce boards, job centers, and employment services operators with a unified digital front door to all career services and resources.
Future Fit dashboard
data & technology

An easy-to-use and accessible common front door for every user

Increase system capacity and collaboration with automated workflows in a common platform
Automate your triage and routing to relevant agencies, programs, and services
Create custom catalogs of jobs, learning, resources, and careers
How it works
built on data

Accessing the most powerful labor market data and algorithms

We’ve analyzed over 350 million career transitions, and ingested labor market data from 12+ data sources to develope proprietary AI algorithms that pinpoint a candidate’s starting position in the labor market. These algorithms generate personalized roadmaps of learning, resources, and work opportunities, designed to supercharge placements and job success.
Proven to enhance workforce efforts
Our platform is shown to significantly improve the effectiveness and outcomes of workforce development initiatives
Ease administrative burden
Our platform streamlines processes, allowing workforce professionals to focus more on high-impact activities and less on paperwork
Future Fit dashboard
Featured Content

Let’s talk results


Engaging Employers: Using AI To Reimagine Engagement Strategies


2024 North America EdTech 200


FutureFit AI featured in Jobs for the Future report on GenAI in workforce development

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